Always Secure

DP Facilities is organized around six fundamental security pillars.

  1. Expect the worst and deliver the best.

We anticipated today’s threats and challenges years ago. We saw the gap between what the industry offered and what customers would need. We fill that gap with scalable secure data center solutions, including colocation and hybrid colo, that enable our customers to stay safe at every stage of their growth.

  1. Use geography as a defense.

Retail businesses have a saying: “It’s all about location, location, location.” The same holds true for the data storage industry — but in a different way. Geography can be your best friend or worst enemy. We located our flagship data center, Mineral Gap, in Wise, Virginia — known as “The Safest Place on Earth” — so it would be outside the blast zone, far from civil disturbances, insulated from natural disasters, yet close to abundant and redundant fiber connections.

  1. Design all facility elements to maximize security and resilience.

We set the gold standard for data center security. That means protecting entry points with layered security zones, maintaining 24/7 external and internal surveillance, using only top-grade software for security and event management, maintaining all proper certifications and audits, and establishing and following stringent access procedures.

  1. Prevent insider threats.

We set the bar high for prospective customers — a vital step in today’s political and security environment, to prevent access from nation-state or criminal adversaries. We have stringent protocols governing access to our colo facility by tenants and visitors, including visitor escorting. We hire only 100-percent U.S. citizens, and only after careful screening, drug testing and thorough training. We verify U.S. citizenship of all tenant owners and staff; use background screening; and maintain comprehensive administrative controls, including equipment inventory.

  1. Remain attuned to identifying and repelling all potential threats, using all available strategies.

This requires not only an excellent chief security officer, but also constant attention to the evolving threat environment and new variations on adversary tradecraft. We conduct regular security training, drills, and exercises with the FBI, DHS, and local law enforcement to ensure readiness and procedural resilience.

  1. Provide comprehensive and robust systems to ensure redundancy.

Resilience and security go hand in hand. Our flagship data center, Mineral Gap, is the first concurrently maintainable designed and constructed Tier III data center in Virginia, certified by Uptime Institute for 99.98-percent availability. The facility is designated as Critical Infrastructure by the federal government, ensuring priority fueling during man-made and natural disasters.